Published: 8th September, 2021
Summary of USS pension issues The scheme *appears* to have a big deficit – mainly because the last valuation was done when the stock market was at a deep low because of the COVID pandemic. The market has rebounded, so an updated valuation would show that USS is a healthy scheme. But the USS trustees…
Published: 20th August, 2021
On 3 August Nishan Canagajarah announced phase 2 of ‘shaping for excellence’. In an email to all University staff, he stated: ‘The exact net reduction will depend on the outcome of the selection and consultation processes that will take place over the next few months. However, we know that this will not be more than…
Published: 11th August, 2021
This is the text of the dispute “alleviation” offer debated by members at Leicester UCU’s EGM on 9 August 2021. 58.5% of members in attendance voted to accept this offer, a decision communicated to the Executive Board before 4pm on 9 August 2021, and acknowledged and accepted by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor in writing on 10…
Published: 11th August, 2021
This is the most painful post I’ve had to write. Please take the time to read this, sincerely Alex Patel (acting Chair). Today, Wednesday 11th August, the executive board make a further twenty-one staff redundant. We continue to call for their reinstatement. They have done so much for our branch over the years, many as…
Published: 28th July, 2021