Published: 25th September, 2020
Email to all Leicester UCU members, 25 September 2020 Yesterday (24 September 2020), Leicester UCU held an Extraordinary General Meeting to discuss rapidly escalating member fears and concerns about the return to on-campus face-to-face working during the Coronavirus pandemic. With near record attendance, a powerful consensus emerged from our membership, who have directed the LUCU…
Published: 7th August, 2020
As promised in our piece celebrating the branch’s status as a top 11 influencer on social media, today sees the first progress report on our flagship strategy of excellence, Making Communication Heroic. It’s appropriate that this interim report appears in the month of August, because august means ‘respected and impressive’ and that’s what our strategy…
Published: 6th May, 2020
Tomorrow there is an ‘urgency committee’ meeting of the University’s Senate. UCU has no representation on Senate, but we are usually permitted to send an observer. We have not been invited to tomorrow’s emergency meeting. We only learned it was taking place via a member sympathetic to UCU. One item on the agenda tomorrow is…
Published: 12th March, 2020
*Text of email sent to members on evening of 12 March 2020* Dear Leicester UCU Members, We are aware that many members are understandably concerned about the impact of Coronavirus and we are emailing about our current plan for picketing tomorrow. This is the final day of our current strike action and we are suggesting…
Published: 10th March, 2020
Friendship and Solidarity are major themes on the #LeicsUniStrike picket lines every day but, well, today was extra special. Most importantly, we want to highlight the extraordinary work of precariously employed staff at the University of Leicester today in tackling endemic problems caused by precarity in Higher Education. During the November-December strikes, one of our…
Published: 9th March, 2020
As we head into the final week of the current strike action, day ten of #UCUStrikesBack was dedicated to International Women’s Day. Read on for details of all today’s action, but first, looking ahead to tomorrow: At 9am, a group of precarious workers at the University of Leicester will meet with our Vice-Chancellor Nishan Canagarajah…