Published: 8th June, 2021
Please check this page regularly, for updates on timings, locations and activity details. Remember: to help manage social distancing on the physical pickets, report to Victoria Park (Attenborough entrance) in the first instance. See our Strike FAQs page for further guidance on safe picketing and virtual participation. Wednesday 9 June: Solidarity Day Our theme is…
Published: 8th June, 2021
Page last updated, 8 June 2021 What does taking strike action mean? Strike action means not doing any work for all of the days specified by the union. This includes, for instance, time before 9am and after 5pm and includes any activity which is part of your work such as teaching, administration, meetings, emails relating…
Published: 7th May, 2021
Last updated on 8 June 2021 Since October 2020, staff have been trying to resist the University leadership team’s plans to restructure several academic departments and student support services that involve significant cuts to staff jobs. Across the whole academic year, we’ve engaged in hundreds of hours of meetings, researched and written alternative proposals to avoid job losses, and repeatedly…
Published: 4th December, 2020
Thanks to all members for feeding back your views on the status of our dispute over health and safety concerns and for voting on how to proceed with this dispute. The email sent to all members with that survey outlined the position we had reached through the dispute resolution process can be accessed here. A…
Published: 4th December, 2020
Based on member feedback and the experiences of Leicester UCU representatives attending the numerous pre-change engagement meetings that have been ongoing since late October, we wrote to the Executive Board with a number of concerns and requests, almost all of which have been rejected. This is extremely disappointing given how prominently the staff members leading…
Published: 13th October, 2020
We have been told repeatedly by Vice Chancellor Canagarajah and by other members of University executive board that our community is the University of Leicester’s most valuable asset. We have been told that the health and wellbeing of staff and students is the University’s top priority. But today staff are anxious and upset; our community…
Published: 12th October, 2020
University of Leicester staff were notified of the University’s COVID-19 Strategic Response Framework for the first time on Friday 9 October, 5.45pm, in an email from the Chief Operating Officer, two weeks after students returned to campus. In this email, the COO reported that the “Strategic Framework has been agreed by the local Public Health…
Published: 9th October, 2020
A University of Leicester employee offers some personal reflections on their experience of working in Higher Education as the 2020-21 academic year begins. I’ve been trying to think of a metaphor for working in Higher Education over the last few weeks. It’s not easy because the conditions, quite simply, feel incomparably appalling. I’d like to…