Published: 28th July, 2021
Published: 28th July, 2021
Email sent to all members of Leicester UCU, 26 July 2021 If YOU were targeted for compulsory redundancy due to executives’ financial mismanagement of our University, would you want colleagues to fight for your jobs – even at great personal, emotional and financial cost? We would like to pay tribute to those Leicester UCU members…
Published: 11th June, 2021
Over 200 great colleagues have been forced out of the University of Leicester in the past 15 months. This is the result of the executive board’s decision to abandon casualised staff in the first months of the pandemic and, more recently, its catastrophic ‘shaping for excellence’ programme, in which at least 100 people have been…
Published: 18th May, 2021
Email sent to all members of Leicester UCU, Tuesday 18 May 2021 On Friday, the Vice-Chancellor sent you an email expressing disappointment about aspects of UCU’s campaign to defend the livelihoods of our members. At the precise moment this message landed in your inbox, your branch negotiators were finalising an olive branch invitation to the…
Published: 18th May, 2021
An open letter to members of the University of Leicester Executive Board, copied to members of Senate, Council and Court We are a group of professors and other senior staff currently employed at the University. We are writing to express our concern at the current plans for extensive compulsory redundancies within the University. We note…
Published: 17th May, 2021
Dr Alison Parker, associate professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Leeds, resigns as University of Leicester’s external examiner in pure mathematics, saying she no longer wishes to be associated with such a “university”. She has also donated her examiner fees from last year to the maths legal fund. Her…
Published: 14th May, 2021
On being dismissed from University of Leicester… our Communications officer & co-vice-chair-elect @DavidHarvieUCU delivers this week’s Leicester UCU in 2. To VC @NCanagarajah, deputy VC Edmund Burke & Chair of University Council Gary Dixon we are nothing. But we are becoming everything.
Published: 12th May, 2021
Do you know any of the individuals below? Ask them what’s happening at University of Leicester. Ask them what their role is, ask them what they’re doing to defend the University! Are you a member of any of same organisations as any of the individuals below, whether a professional assocation, or voluntary or religious body?…
Published: 7th May, 2021
On Tuesday 4th May UCU formally announced a Global Academic Boycott of the University of Leicester and informed its members across all institutions. For UCU members and supporters outside UoL, this means not applying for any advertised jobs at Leicester not speaking at or organising academic or other conferences at Leicester which are outside of…
Published: 6th May, 2021
Gabby Provan was elected Co-Chair of Leicester at our AGM in April. (She’ll formally take up the role in August.) Here she delivers this week’s video update, inviting the executives to work with us to save jobs and restore the University’s reputation.