Published: 2nd April, 2019
Originally scheduled to coincide with the one-year anniversary of our USS pensions strike, we had to rearrange this party because of problems with the venue.
But rearrange it we have. It’ll now be on the evening of Tuesday 7 May (the same days as our AGM). So please join us, along with our friends from sibling UCU branch at De Montford University….GET OUT THE VODKA. A social evening in the cellar party room of The Exchange (Rutland Street in the Cultural Quarter). There will be live music from Looma and Red Leicester, DJs, a photo exhibition, a short pantomime (subject to actors’ availability), picket-line food, picket-line sounds…
Note: spirits will be high, but there will be absolut no requirement that guests drink vodka, nor any other form of alcoholic beverage.